Maximize Dark Tan with Shower After Tanning

To obtain maximum benefits from indoor tanning, it is necessary to know the steps to retain the effects of the process. One important consideration is the optimum time lag that should be maintained between tanning session and the subsequent shower. Contrary to the popular view of not taking a shower for several hours after tanning, the fact is, a shower is necessary. It helps your skin get rid of excess tanning triggers, such as oils, dirt, salts, or perspiration. Make sure to use herbal, moisturizing, or other mild soaps or body wash, which are free of any harsh chemicals, parabens, or dehydrating agents. Also, keep the temperature of water at ‘normal’ or lukewarm. Shower at high temperatures reduces tanning effect and can damage your skin through excess dehydration. Indoor tanning fundamentally makes use of three elements, tanning bed, tanning spray, or cream base products, which, in turn, influence the said time gap. Following is a guide to your aid:

• Tanning Bed
It is now established that the process of tanning continues for one to two hours after leaving the tanning bed. Therefore, you must wait for minimum three hours after tanning session to get the desired results. However, this is truer in the case of Bronzers, as an immediate shower can wash them off before producing the desired results. In all cases, remember to use a good moisturizer immediately after tanning, as this procedure leaves your skin dehydrated and dull.

• Tanning Spray
On similar line as in case of tanning bed, it is advisable to take a shower after three or four hours. In addition, since the tanning spray is an externally used substance, use a mild, preferably herbal body cleanser and avoid the use of bathing sponge or other scrubbing agents. Scrubbing or exfoliating can remove the upper most layer of tanned epidermal layer, reducing the tanned appearance of your skin.

• Tanning cream or lotion
Cream or lotion based products require that you take a shower before the session mandatorily. However, post-session do not get into the bath, until the lapse of four hours. Use mild toiletries and avoid using scrubs or rough towels.

In case you chose to tan your skin the natural way, i.e. sun tanning, take a shower immediately after exposure to sun. Sun tanning brings with it a lot of heat and perspiration. Human sweat contains salts, which when mixed with tanning lotions become dirt. To remove this dirt, an immediate shower is recommended more so, as the removal of traces of the lotion do not affect the tanning results in this case. Nevertheless, in the case of sun tanning also, you should take a gentle shower at normal temperature.
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